Friday, February 20, 2009

Iris Browser for Windows Mobile Smartphones

If you have a windows mobile smartphone, then we have good news for you. A new browser has born. It's Iris. It promises full experience of web transferred to your phone. Sounds big, and I personally, do not believe it. Alas, I don't have a windows mobile phone. But if you do, please then check it here.

So far in my experience, the Net Front browser of Sony Ericsson does quite a good job. Although it does not support Flash yet. I've never tried a Windows Mobile default web browser. But the Iris looks promising. Please give it a test drive, and comment back!

Source :Engadget Read More......

LG Will Release 12 MP Cameraphone This Year

Quoted from Engadget and TechRadar , LG announced it will release 12 MP Cameraphone this year.

Although higher megapixel does not necessarily mean better pictures taken, the racing keeps going, as Sony Ericsson Idou started the battle cry. Okay,.. but how about image quality? Until today, I compare that the old Sony Ericsson 3 MP digicam still produces far superior picture than the 3.2 MP of Sony Ericsson K800i.. Well, you still should consider whether you need the 12 MP. I guess 5 MP is still okay, 8 MP getting over zeaous, and 12 MP wooh, an unneeded extravagant.

Source:Engadget Read More......

Nokia invests €500 in R&D To Boost Symbian OS

We must confess to the reality in the market that Nokia Symbian OS is not the most hip and fancy operating system nowadays. Android and Apple iPhone have more compelling features and interface. Not to mention the exotic Garmin Asus Nuvifone, which seamlessly integrates native Garmin USB menu with cellphone and messaging functionality. Yet Nokia starts fighting back. It plans to invest €500, which particularly directed to improve the Symbian OS to be "more competitive".

But money alone cannot make the Symbian turn around easy. Facing tough challenges from Android, Iphone, and Palm Pre, Nokia will have to amass support from developers to work together to create operating system that works inline with natural habit of common people.

That's why HTC launches HTC Touch Flo skin, and also that's the reason behind the innovation by Samsung on TouchWiz interface. Symbian does not have that kind of flexibility. It must have, and have some more, and it must revolutionize the way Nokia lovers use the phone. Read More......