After its release of first LG Prada one year ago (January 2008), LG had announced its upgraded version, called LG Prada II, or some also call it Prada Qwerty. Yes, it has Qwerty sliding keypad now, a welcome upgrade. And for you fashioners, you can get snapshots of yourself browsing around Champ Elysee avenue using its 5 megapixel cam. Not bad at all, though LG can seriously crank the cam up to 8 mp, which is more suitable to the target market Prada aims. Speaking of upscale premium market.
Moreover, it is going to be accompanied by a stylish Prada bluetooth watch. The words in the blogosphere stated that the watch is equipped with LCD screen for you to check incoming messages and handling calls.
Now this is becoming quite interesting. Fancy branded phone with its watch as assistant. Combine the high tech and extravagant life... May be other luxury watches should consider creating these kinds of watches.
After all, not everybody is Prada fan, and not everybody is willing to switch to an entirely new handset just to try the remote controlling sms with its luxury watch. Definetely there is market out there to have a luxury watch with bluetooth pairing and sms and contact management ability.
Ever thought of controlling your blackberry or Nokia N-96 with a Gucci watch? Hmmm that sounds tasty!
Check out also the arch-rival of fashion branded phone, the less sexy Samsung Armani for comparison, specs by gsmarena here.
If you don't really care about 3G or HSDPA, (but hey seriously this is the year 2009!), then Samsung Armani could still have a hope to take money from your wallet. But seriously, it's becoming aging in this fast paced cellphone world!
via : Unwiredview
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