Samsung and Texas Instruments To Offer Projector Phone
by Beta Ismawan (http://cellfreakz.blogspot.com)
Samsung Mobile and Texas Intruments announced today the first Samsung mobile phones with Embedded Projection based on the DLP(R) Pico(TM) Chipset. In plain English, it is a new Samsung Mobile phone with projector ability. This device will enable you to do presentation without carrying a laptop and plugging it into an LCD projector.
Prnewswire reports that
"image of up to 50 inches is possible depending on ambient light conditions."
Furthermore, the DLP Pico (TM) chipset is said to produce stellar image quality and enables projecting the image in any kinds of surface. It is quite hard to believe. But let's wait some more feedback from early adopters people.
DLP technology itself is a proprietary technology of Texas Instruments, and used in projectors and video projectors, and was originally developed back then in 1987.
With the expertise of DLP technology from Texas Instruments, Samsung can steal significant market share in mobile professionals, as this device projecting capability can become a very handy feature for the road warriors.
Though the pic shows that the phone is a little bit on bulky side, but it is justifiable for the extra projector that requires some space in the unit. If the phone can realistically project bright, 50 inch image, then it should be equipped with Windows Mobile to accomodate Office documents necessity for the busy executives.
Handset will be marketed in Korean market with code w9700, and in Europe it will be marketed as I7410.
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