Samsung Announces Three Android Phones and One Linux Limo Phone ~ CellFreakz - cellular phone trend updated

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Samsung Announces Three Android Phones and One Linux Limo Phone

It seems that Samsung is advancing more innovation to your door, as it announces today three Android OS phones and one Linux OS phone codenamed Limo.

Surprisingly has became the second biggest cell maker in the world (Reuters-ed), the Korean manufacturer, represented by the company's head of product strategy Won-Pyo Hong stated to Reuter that it would release more than three Android phones, and one linux OS phone before 2010.

This move is making the cellphones market much more exciting. Other than battle of brands and features, we are looking at battle of OS. As you know, smartphones are defined by the existence of OS installed in it. With OS, you can install, uninstall, and even modify (called modding) the visual appearance and menu structure of your phone.

Until recently, Symbian S60 3rd edition dominates the 'common' smartphones, as it is used by Nokia, the number one cell maker. But Windows Mobile 6.1 continues to improve and evolve to Windows Mobile 6.5, and also adopted by various cellphone manufacturers.

The latest hit is the Android OS, which is an operating sytem supported by Google, that promises integration of your cellphone with Google features. This means, accessing Google facilites such as Google Mail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar will be a lot easier through it, supposedly. However, market will test the battle between the three major operating system : Symbian, Windows Mobile, and Android.

by Beta Ismawan (
source : Engadget, Reuters
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